
Some things have been going on.

One of which is that I made myself sick by eating too much sugar. Turns out if you forget you had a glass of low sugar Hawaiian Punch and eat two Cadbury Mini Eggs, you dump. Yee ha for that. I am actually pleased to know I am not in the group of people who don't get sick from sugar.

Another thing going on is that I hate my job. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate it. The Husband and I are seeing a counselor (mostly for our nutty kids but it helps us too) and he wants to take time on Saturday to discuss his concern for me because I am so freakin' stressed out over this daycare. It's killing me slowly. Some days, I think I can literally feel my brain cells dying off one by one.

Thirdly, we got a dog from the SPCA. His name is Smudge and he just shit all over my rug. Other than that, we love him.

Fourth, I have applied for financial aid for the 05-06 school year, had my application approved by the school of my choice and am just waiting to make sure I get enough aid to cover tuition. Yee ha for that too.

Also I am down 65 pounds. But that story is getting a bit old, wouldn't you say?

ciao - 08 July 2005
Give Us Candor - 29 June 2005
Not even Johnny Depp is better than sleep - 26 June 2005
breathe - 25 June 2005
the joy of pepsi... or something - 22 June 2005

Before and After

current entry // past entries // profile // notes // sign // photo // design // host

finally from 05 April 2005 @ 8:18 p.m.