The official weight loss from Dr. Zahn is 36 pounds in six weeks.

Woo hoo. It's not quite the 42 pounds my scale was saying, but still. I'll just add 7 lbs to whatever my scale says from now on.

My incision has healed nicely and I have the go-ahead to start doing Pilates again, which is good. Dr. Z even said that was a great program for me.

In other news, I have a sinus infection, and the husband is ignoring me. He hasn't even asked me how my trip was or what the official weight loss total is. :(

ciao - 08 July 2005
Give Us Candor - 29 June 2005
Not even Johnny Depp is better than sleep - 26 June 2005
breathe - 25 June 2005
the joy of pepsi... or something - 22 June 2005

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It's Official from 17 January 2005 @ 7:11 p.m.