I feel so good it should be criminal. I mean, honestly is it bad to be so giddy all the time? I have honestly not felt this physically good in a LONG time. Years. It's amazing and I just want to shout it from the rooftops.

I am well aware of how obnoxious I am becomming about this but I cannot seem to stop myself.

Yesterday I ate an egg, a piece of string cheese, and about an ounce of cojack cheese. I had blended up some teriyaki chicken for dinner but the taste was TOO strong. It was like licking a block of salt to me. Yuck.

Today I am having an egg, and some fat free refried beans for dinner. It's all very exciting.

I just have to share how good I feel. I don't know if I am just lucky or what but this whole recovery has been amazingly easy for me and even now at this early stage I am so glad I did this.

Okay, I'm shutting up now.

ciao - 08 July 2005
Give Us Candor - 29 June 2005
Not even Johnny Depp is better than sleep - 26 June 2005
breathe - 25 June 2005
the joy of pepsi... or something - 22 June 2005

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obnoxiously happy woman from 23 December 2004 @ 11:09 a.m.