Apparantly, I glow.

So many people have said that to me lately. I don't know if they expected me to be bed-ridden or if they can tell a difference in my weight already.

I know my face is thinner. When I smile, there's no lump of fat under my chin. I can take off and put on my wedding ring without twisting it on and off. It slides over my knuckle and into place. I put on pants I had not used in a while and they used to be very tight, now they are bunching at the waist.

I am still having trouble with jeans; the waistband irritates my incision (which is otherwise healing quite nicely).

The scale says I've lost 19 pounds. I had to get on it three times, then I had to have my husband get on it to make sure it was weighing right. I still don't quite believe it. It's just surreal to actually want to get on the scale. I am shaking my head as I type.

I do want to be able to chew things, though honestly I am not very hungry. I tolerate my soup and cream of wheat and protien very well, so far nothing upsets my stomach or makes me sick at all. I'm really, really anal about watching my sugar count though. I won't even get near to the 15 gram max per serving. I don't want to dump but I am even more afraid of not dumping.

In ten days I can have pureed foods and things like cheese, eggs and refried beans. I cannot wait. Not because I'm hungry but for the sake of VARIETY!

I can't believe how much my tastebuds seem to have changed. Before we left for Phoenix I mixed up some Kool Aid with Splenda and when I tasted it, it was weak. Well, I didn't dump it out and ended up tasting it again when we got home: it was too sweet! I love that. I really really love it.

There are Kit Kats in the house, and Hershey bars and M&Ms and I am not tempted to even touch them. The pasta alfredo was another story. It smelled so good. I ate a teaspoon of the sauce (took me 10 minutes) and was more than satisfied with that. How odd not to eat an entire pan of food for fun! How bizzare to not scarf the candy the minute I see it! I feel like I am living someone else's life.

ciao - 08 July 2005
Give Us Candor - 29 June 2005
Not even Johnny Depp is better than sleep - 26 June 2005
breathe - 25 June 2005
the joy of pepsi... or something - 22 June 2005

Before and After

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My new friend: the scale from 12 December 2004 @ 10:27 p.m.