Another day, another dollar.

Well, two dollars an hour to be exact. I am so glad that child care is a valued profession in this country and not looked upon with scorn or pity.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. Well, it's my rant for the minute, anyway.

People say with the gastric bypass, you don't feel hungry for months and months. That is not entirely true. Right now folks I am hungry. Not eat the house down hungry but definitely in need of food. And of course a little amount satisfies me but I was more than a little shocked to feel hungy just two or three months into this process.

I chalked it up to the wls people being sometimes a nasty and vindictive bunch who compete over who can eat the least amount, tolerate the fewest foods, and lost the most hair.

In that department, I'd surely win. I've alwasys had thick unruly hair, and lots of it and now it's falling out in huge gigantic chunks. My scalp got a sunburn the other day at the pet fair. That has never happened to me before.

I am asking one of the other daycare providers to cut it for me, hopefully I can get a style that works until it starts growing back.

I should mention this lady was a professional hairstylist for many years, it's not like she just decided one day to pick up a pair of scissors and start chopping away.

There's one person whom I'd love to cut my hair but the commute is a killer.

We are having french toast sticks, pears and milk for breakfast in case you cared. I am having a little pouch of eggs, cheese and bagel. Relax, it's all of 3 ounces and it's got 14 g. of protein in it so it's all good.

The uterus decided to finally stop with the two week PMS parade and finally my period started. I know that's TMI to some of you but hey, it's not like my being in possession of a uterus was some sort of national secret.

I bought a copy of a Bon Jovi CD off of Ebay and now I am addicted again. I know it's 80's Cheese but it's so very good.

My slug children won't get out of bed. It's going to be a long day, but at least there's Survivor and The Apprentice to look forward to.

Maybe I'll write more later.

ciao - 08 July 2005
Give Us Candor - 29 June 2005
Not even Johnny Depp is better than sleep - 26 June 2005
breathe - 25 June 2005
the joy of pepsi... or something - 22 June 2005

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I've been everywhere now I'm headin' home from 07 April 2005 @ 6:56 a.m.