Okay so this daycare thing is kicking my ass. Caffiene: I miss you!

It's not such a bad gig but it's a long ass day. 12 hours is long, folks, especially when you consider that I still have to work my other job where I manage the lives of three crazy people (ie: my family).

The boy could not sleep last night. He was up at all hours. The husband "did me a favor" by getting up with him. Of course then the husband huffed and snorted in bed and woke me up because the dishwasher (on the timer delay cycle) woke him up. Then he went into the kitchen and slammed every single door and drawer we had. Bastard. He's still asleep right now, the slug.

In other news I ate some green beans. I know I am supposed to be pur�eing everything but really, canned green beans barely qualify as solid food. I chewed them up really well and they stayed down fine. I also ate a half of a Chicken Whopper today: minus the bread, lettuce & most of the mayo. I did add in about half a tomato slice, minus the skin. It was deeeeeelish, and I have half left over for dinner.

It's become a real pain in the ass to eat. Not that I don't enjoy the food, because I do. And honestly, I've never once had so much as an upset tummy with any food I've eaten so I'm lucky there but the time involved in eating seems hardly worth it. I can't drink anything for a half an hour before or after the meal, and it takes me a half an hour to eat anything, so essentially it's a 90 minute process to be getting anything other than a liquid protien shake into my system. Lots of times I forget to eat. I know I shouldn't, and I realized I haven't been getting NEAR the amount of calories I need to be eating, which is actually slowing down the weight loss so I am trying to remind myself to eat. It's hard, though, with a baby and a four year old here. Four year old is bored, too, and frankly if I have to play one more game of My Lego Guy is Shooting Your Lego Guy I may have to rip out my uterus with a spoon, but that's a story for another day.

Kids, I want a nap.

ciao - 08 July 2005
Give Us Candor - 29 June 2005
Not even Johnny Depp is better than sleep - 26 June 2005
breathe - 25 June 2005
the joy of pepsi... or something - 22 June 2005

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